In 2001, for the first time in medicine have been described cases are constantly arising from the sexual arousal in women with disproportionate and unrelated to the presence of sexual stimulation, as well as with the orgasms in his place. These women with a greater frequency of occurrence of crises useless, of orgasm, the pelvic muscles are reduced, the sweating, the heart rate, dilate the vessels of the breathing quickens. The body of the woman and prepared to orgasm, and it happens, but the insufficiency and the inadequacy of the situation.

In the world, we know only a few dozen cases of this disease, but the experts in sexology, rightly, suggest that the fact a lot more: the majority of the patients are simply not to talk about their problems. These women live in is constantly stimulated without any sexual stimulation and sexual desire, and their life is a tragedy. An orgasm can happen in the time of in-store purchases, in the workplace, during a meeting over a cup of coffee with friends.
Syndrome Permanent Sexual Arousal (PGAD - English) or as it is called Syndrome Permanent Sexual Arousal (PSA - engl.) transformed a natural pleasure into a serious disorder and creates in the patients a feeling of guilt and despair.
This disorder is characterized by the tension in the region of the genitals and permanent sexual excitement, without any real sexual stimulation and sexual desire. Such a situation does not always end in orgasm, and even if it occurs, facilitating the patient does not occur. Described in medicine recently, this syndrome is included in the list of sexual dysfunctions, but should be imminent inclusion in the mental disorders.
As the gynaecologists and specialists in sexology Embassy Medicine are convinced that this syndrome has nothing to do with nymphomania - phrasi sex, which is characterized by a constant need to indulge, or with anorgasmia, or the inability to experience an orgasm, or with multiplex orgasm sunt, or multiple orgasms - a phenomenon that is not pathological.
The symptoms
The main symptom of this disorder is that women are able to preorgasm, in the excitement, while not having the slightest desire to have sex. This condition is not brings them pleasure, but rather as the pain in the genital organs, which causes unpleasant experiences.
The specialists of medicine and sexology aware of this syndrome a little bit. The age of the patients is generally 30 to 45 years.As possible causes of its development is considered to be the presence of anatomical abnormalities or tumors of the genital organs, a possible violation of the balance between the stimulants and the national institute of blockage in the brain, neurological diseases (epilepsy), the violation of the arteries and veins of the blood network of the genital organs and the more strange, and the home popular and widely used antidepressants of the latest generation of the group of inhibitors of the reuptake of serotonin.
The excitement usually happens in a situation where the patient has drowsiness or fatigue, which may seem strange, because in general, this kind of condition lessen sexual desire. Needless to orgasm can be triggered just by a little movement of the legs. A little light on the nature of the disorders it throws to a study by Italian researchers of the university of Bologna (Battaglia, Venturoli), was discovered in a patient with such a syndrome occurring in a context of antidepressant treatment (trazodone) constant of the erection of the clitoris, similar to that experienced by the men of priapism (chronic erection).

the nature of the syndrome
The lack of understanding of the nature and causes of the Syndrome Permanent Sexual Arousal does not give the opportunity to bring here to the patient an effective aid. If this disorder occurs on the background of neurological or mental illness, therapeutic tactics aimed at their treatment.
In other cases, a symptomatic treatment:some people help the creams with local anaesthetic agents or by applying ice. For some women, effective antidepressants, or drugs that block dopamine receptors, or hormonal anti-androgen medication.
The professionals in sexology and gynecology remains nothing other than to act in the choice of treatment for these patients by trial and error.
These patients need qualified psychological or psychotherapeutic help. Many patients with the syndrome of severe depression and suicide attempts.
Syndrome Permanent Sexual Arousal infringed on their normal life, their relationship with the spouse or the partner sentimental, and accompanied by the development of feelings of guilt, self-pity, loss of self-esteem, their mood.